
Physical Education

Staff within the Department

Ms R. Gibson – Head of Department

BSc Sports and Health Science

Ms A. Bailey – PE Teacher and Assistant Head

BA Honours with QTS in Physical Education with English and Secondary Education

Ms L. Moore – PE Teacher and Assistant Head

BA Honours with ITT in Secondary Education (Physical Education)

Ms C. Margetts - PE Teacher and Assistant Head

B.Ed (Hon) Physical Education and Geography, MA Education

Ms N. Van Rosse - PE Teacher 

BA Hons Textile Design

ASA Full Swim Instructor

As a department we are committed to delivering a diverse range of extra-curricular activities and we are focused on giving every child the opportunity to achieve within PE. This includes supporting children through both competitive and non-competitive activities and ensuring that all lessons taught fulfil the ten qualities of high quality Physical Education. We want the girls to both enjoy our PE lessons and to fulfil their full potential in the subject.



At KS3 all students have 4 lessons of PE over the two-week timetable.  All activities are completed on a rotational basis to allow students to participate in a broad and balanced range of activities.  Each activity lasts for 4 weeks to ensure that all activities are covered.  Students are assessed in each activity area and given an assessment grade at the end of each 4 week block.  This grade is recorded in their planner and used for the purpose of the school report.


Year 7

Dance, Gymnastics, Football, Netball, Tag Rugby, Cricket, Athletics, Rounders and Tennis

Year 8 Dance, Gymnastics, Football, Netball, Badminton, Cricket, Athletics, Rounders and Tennis

Year 9

Football, Netball, Basketball, Trampolining, Fitness, Tennis, Cricket, Athletics and Rounders


Enrichment activities to do at home

We always encourage students to participate in any physical activity in their own time. Most skills learnt and developed are transferable from one sport to another. Any activity that improves or maintains general fitness levels or improves knowledge and understanding will support students’ progress within lessons. We suggest that KS3 students focus on the following activities:

  • Follow a sport of their choice for a 6 week period to improve knowledge of the rules, regulations and positions.
  • Walk at least half the distance to or from school.
  • Attempt to run for at least 3 minutes every other day without stopping.


At KS4 students are able to choose PE as one of their options. We offer Edexcel GCSE PE where students receive 5 lessons over the two week timetable. In addition to this, all students in Years 10 and 11 have 4 core lessons over the two week timetable. During this time we offer students the opportunity to take Sports leaders level 1 and 2, GCSE PE or to join a curriculum group - where the focus is on staying active.   

Sports Leaders

In year 10 we offer students the opportunity to complete their Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership. Throughout the year students develop their leadership skills, which can be applied to a variety of sports or recreational situations. The course consists of 2 units through which the students are continuously assessed. They also have to complete a one hour demonstration of leadership. We have great links with outside organisations and the students have a numerous opportunities to develop their coaching and umpiring skills, and put these into practice in real life situations.

GCSE PE GCSE PE is an option we have introduced to provide our students with the opportunity to achieve a GCSE grade in their core games lesson. The course is 40% practical which consists of 3 practical sports and a personal exercise plan. The final 60% is theory based and the students will sit two papers in the summer term of Year 11.

GCSE Edexcel:

Sports Leaders:

Enrichment activities to do at home

Into KS4 we continue to encourage students to be physically active outside of school in any activity that they enjoy. Regular participation is essential to adopting a healthy, active lifestyle which can play a vital role during their exam period. To make further progress in PE we would encourage KS4 students to focus on some of the following activities in their own time:

  • Follow a sport of their choice for a 6 week period to improve knowledge of the rules, regulations, positions, competition statics and ideal training methods linked to chosen sport. For GCSE students it is recommended that they focus on the sport they will complete their analysis of performance in.
  • Walk at least half the distance to or from school.
  • Attempt to run for at least 5 minutes every other day without stopping.


At KS5 students are able to complete BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport. In Year 12 we deliver the Certificate in Sport with the option to continue into Year 13. An assessment grade of pass, merit or distinction will be awarded for each assignment and go towards deciding their overall grade at the end of each year.


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 12

Students will complete one mandatory unit (Anatomy and Physiology) and one optional unit.

Year 13

Students will complete two units - Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being and Professional Development in the Sports Industry.



Enrichment activities to do at home

At KS5 it is essential that students have a broad knowledge of various sports and physical activities. This will enable them to use a variety of sporting examples to support the physiological and psychological aspects of sport and exercise. Providing current sporting examples is often part of the grading criteria for achieving a merit or distinction in many assignments. To ensure students have a broad knowledge of different sports we suggest they focus on the following task in their own time:

  • To read at least 2 newspaper articles on a different sport each week.
  • Try to watch all or part of a sporting competition each week, either live or via the internet.
  • Participate in a sport or physical activity or their choice at least once a week to become aware of the effects of different types of exercise on the body


The EWS Physical Education department prides itself on the extra-curricular program that it offers, having recently achieved the Sainsbury’s School Games Bronze Award for the level, amount and variety of competition that we have entered the girls into.

The school was also the Regional winner for 'Education Provider of the Year' for Tennis in 2018. 

Across the school year, students have the opportunity to take part in up to 20 different sporting activities before school, at lunchtime and after school.

The school has been lucky enough to secure external â€‹funding and we have regular coaches in delivering tennis and rowing club. 

There is always the option for both competitive and non-competitive activities.

Extra-curricular clubs run at lunchtimes and after school throughout the year. We enter competitively into the following sports; gymnastics, trampolining, netball, basketball, football, athletics, rounders and cross country. 







Table tennis







Cross Country


Career Paths



Sports Science

Sports Medicine

Sports Journalism

Professional athlete

Sports Development

PE Teacher